

Need Support?


End Sexual Violence NL offers supports and services to anyone impacted by sexual violence. We offer a 24 Hour Support and Information Line where callers can reach an empathetic, non-judgmental volunteer. We also provide in-person support, legal system navigation through The Journey Project, and a variety of other services and connections to community organizations based on your needs.


If you are at immediate risk of harm or danger, CALL 911.

If you are safe but need medical attention, head to the nearest emergency room or to the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner at St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital in St. John’s.

If you are unsure what to do next, call our 24 Hour Support and Information Line at 1-800-726-2743 to be connected to a volunteer.


There are several medical concerns after a sexual assault including physical injuries, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy.

The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE) is a specialized program located at St. Clare’s Hospital in St. John’s and Western Memorial Regional Hospital in Corner Brook. SANE is a free service provided to all genders 18 years of age and over and is available 24 hours a day.

With your consent, the nurses can:

  • Carefully examine and give medical treatment for injuries
  • Evaluate the risk of pregnancy and contracting sexually transmitted infections and treat appropriately
  • Collect evidence to be stored if the person does not want to report immediately

If you would like one of our volunteers to accompany you to St. Clare’s Hospital for support and/or information, call 1-800-726-2743.


After an assault, you may consider reporting to your local RCMP or the RNC. Whether or not you decide to make a report is entirely your choice and we understand that many people do not wish to make a police report for a variety of reasons.

You can make a report at any point after the assault and telling the police soon after may provide them with access to more information and evidence.

If you would like more information on what it looks like to report to the police or if you would like one of our volunteers to accompany you to the RNC in St. John’s, call 1-800-726-2743.

For more information about the legal system and your options, contact The Journey Project at 1-833-722-2805.


It is very common for people who have been sexually assaulted to blame themselves or wish they had done something different. Sexual assault is never the fault of the survivor despite any feelings of guilt or shame you may be experiencing.
There is no “right way” to feel after being sexually assaulted and people respond very differently. Some may be calm or numb, laughing or joking, crying or angry. One set of feelings is not more important than another; all feelings are valid and legitimate.

The following feelings are often described:

  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Guilt and self-blame
  • Intrusive memories and nightmares
  • Lack of trust
  • Powerlessness
  • Difficulties with sexual intimacy

Know that we are here to support you through this and you are not alone. Talking through your feelings and experiences can be a helpful process and we are here to listen and believe you.

NON-Disclosure Agreements (NDA's)

This Backgrounder created by Western University offers information about NDAs in the context of gender-based violence to inform choice and promote advocacy to end the misuse of NDAs. It is directly informed by the experiences of those who signed an NDA and features their quotes and stories shared with Can’t Buy My Silence.

You can access the backgrounder here: 


We know that dealing with the effects of a sexual assault can be very difficult and confusing. If you still have questions or are unsure how to proceed, please call us 24/7, toll-free at 1-800-726-2743.